Yogyakarta Special Region (or Jogja, Yogya, Jogjakarta, Jogjakarta and often abbreviated DIY) is a province of Indonesia which is located in the southern part of Java Island and bordering Central Java province in the north. Geographically, Yogyakarta is located in Central part of Java island. The area was hit by the earthquake on May 27, 2006 which resulted in 1.2 million people homeless.
IN Province. Yogyakarta has a public service supervision agency called the Regional Ombudsman in Yogyakarta, established by Decree of Governor of DIY. Sri Sultan HB X in 2004.

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At the beginning of its establishment, the Special Region of Yogyakarta adopted the system of government as practiced by Brunei, namely Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX as governor, Sri Paduka Paku Alam VIII as lieutenant governor, who runs day-to-day administration directly, as well as the head of the monarchy and the Sultanate Ngayogyakarta Duchy Pakualaman. In practice, due to frequent Sultan was appointed as a minister by the central government, the daily administration is run by the Sri Paduka Paku Alam VIII.
Yogyakarta is also the principle of triad politics, namely the distribution of powers between the legislature - which is represented by the House of Representatives of the Special Region of Yogyakarta Province, the executive by the Sultan, Paku Alam and department heads, and the judiciary by the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia. On the basis of the 1945 law, Act 3 / 1950 and-now being discussed by the House of Representatives bill Privileges-DIY, Yogyakarta make a 'special', where democracy can go hand in hand with cultural forces - mainly because of charisma duumvirate Sri Sultan - Sri Paduka Paku Alam is still very high in the community.
In line with changes in legislation, coupled with reform, then there are problems in filling the office of governor, because since 1965, become the province of Yogyakarta Special Region as other provinces in Indonesia, so follow the Local Government Act issued by the House just as the area other. Society wants the government DIY style remains as it is today, on the other side of the government of Indonesia wants to be confused with other provinces, by reason of effective democracy.
Basic philosophy of local development Yogyakarta Special Region is Hamemayu Hayuning Bawana, as lofty ideals to improve people's lives Yogyakarta values based on local cultural values that need to be preserved and developed. Another basic philosophy is Hamangku-Hamengku-Hamengkoni, Throne For the People, and the See for Social Welfare-cultural. The concept of philosophy as a milestone in the establishment of the Islamic Mataram, since Demak - Jipang - Display up to Panembahan Senopati - King Hanyakrawati - Sultan Agung - Amangkurat - Pakubowono - Hamengkubuwono - Paku Alam - Mangkunegara refers to the principle of monotheism "wihdatil form - wushul form" is packaged in a language symbol: "Sangkan Paraning Dumadi manunggaling subjects lan Gusti".
Prince Mangkubumi as Sultan al-Awwal who holds lane Senopati Ing Ngalaga Abdurrakhman Sayidin Panatagama Kalifatullah I founded a new civilization Ngayogyakarta named, according to Day Subanar of FIB-UGM, the name is in terms of etymology comes from the Ng-ayu -Gya-Djakarta-hadi-ning-rat, which means an invitation to race in building a new civilization for the creation of happiness of the world and the hereafter. According to the book Quraisyin Fiber Adammakna in Yugawara, Sekar sinom written back by Ir. H. Wibatsu (the late), explain that the word is synonymous with the country Ayogya King Ramawijaya ing Ayudya which means memayu karahayon Kerta sedyaning merdikaning sabumi Rahayu, Gya means for the pleasure of Allah, Karta means harjaning sarira tataning trapsila ing krami, Sultanate means mengkoni dina den santosaning behavior, ning tyas mleng sajuga, ngrat personal sajagadnya, mardikengrat tetep salaminya lasting.
It is very clear that the meaning behind the title that carried an Emperor as the leader of compatible / identical to the meaning behind the name of the State Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat lead. Title of Sultan "baladil amen" and the name of State based on the Koran "rahmatan lil alamin" is a unified whole "golong-gilig" in delivering his people towards the welfare of physically and spiritually - the world hereafter, this is in line with the principle / hadith the Prophet in upholding the civil or civil society that megedepankan principle of social solidarity, pluralism, justice in undertaking the people of the pleasure of Allah.
Historically, the role of struggle since Hanyakrakusumo Sultan Agung, Sultan HB I, Prince Diponegoro, until Sultan HB IX is no doubt in the fight against all forms of physical occupation of imperialism and neo-imperialism, so that Soekarno on December 19, 1949 through messages scrawled struggle gold ink on white paper, which reads: Yogyakarta, known for his struggle, then quicken the soul continues to struggle.!
Shourche: wikipedia.org
IN Province. Yogyakarta has a public service supervision agency called the Regional Ombudsman in Yogyakarta, established by Decree of Governor of DIY. Sri Sultan HB X in 2004.

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At the beginning of its establishment, the Special Region of Yogyakarta adopted the system of government as practiced by Brunei, namely Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX as governor, Sri Paduka Paku Alam VIII as lieutenant governor, who runs day-to-day administration directly, as well as the head of the monarchy and the Sultanate Ngayogyakarta Duchy Pakualaman. In practice, due to frequent Sultan was appointed as a minister by the central government, the daily administration is run by the Sri Paduka Paku Alam VIII.
Yogyakarta is also the principle of triad politics, namely the distribution of powers between the legislature - which is represented by the House of Representatives of the Special Region of Yogyakarta Province, the executive by the Sultan, Paku Alam and department heads, and the judiciary by the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia. On the basis of the 1945 law, Act 3 / 1950 and-now being discussed by the House of Representatives bill Privileges-DIY, Yogyakarta make a 'special', where democracy can go hand in hand with cultural forces - mainly because of charisma duumvirate Sri Sultan - Sri Paduka Paku Alam is still very high in the community.
In line with changes in legislation, coupled with reform, then there are problems in filling the office of governor, because since 1965, become the province of Yogyakarta Special Region as other provinces in Indonesia, so follow the Local Government Act issued by the House just as the area other. Society wants the government DIY style remains as it is today, on the other side of the government of Indonesia wants to be confused with other provinces, by reason of effective democracy.
Basic philosophy of local development Yogyakarta Special Region is Hamemayu Hayuning Bawana, as lofty ideals to improve people's lives Yogyakarta values based on local cultural values that need to be preserved and developed. Another basic philosophy is Hamangku-Hamengku-Hamengkoni, Throne For the People, and the See for Social Welfare-cultural. The concept of philosophy as a milestone in the establishment of the Islamic Mataram, since Demak - Jipang - Display up to Panembahan Senopati - King Hanyakrawati - Sultan Agung - Amangkurat - Pakubowono - Hamengkubuwono - Paku Alam - Mangkunegara refers to the principle of monotheism "wihdatil form - wushul form" is packaged in a language symbol: "Sangkan Paraning Dumadi manunggaling subjects lan Gusti".
Prince Mangkubumi as Sultan al-Awwal who holds lane Senopati Ing Ngalaga Abdurrakhman Sayidin Panatagama Kalifatullah I founded a new civilization Ngayogyakarta named, according to Day Subanar of FIB-UGM, the name is in terms of etymology comes from the Ng-ayu -Gya-Djakarta-hadi-ning-rat, which means an invitation to race in building a new civilization for the creation of happiness of the world and the hereafter. According to the book Quraisyin Fiber Adammakna in Yugawara, Sekar sinom written back by Ir. H. Wibatsu (the late), explain that the word is synonymous with the country Ayogya King Ramawijaya ing Ayudya which means memayu karahayon Kerta sedyaning merdikaning sabumi Rahayu, Gya means for the pleasure of Allah, Karta means harjaning sarira tataning trapsila ing krami, Sultanate means mengkoni dina den santosaning behavior, ning tyas mleng sajuga, ngrat personal sajagadnya, mardikengrat tetep salaminya lasting.
It is very clear that the meaning behind the title that carried an Emperor as the leader of compatible / identical to the meaning behind the name of the State Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat lead. Title of Sultan "baladil amen" and the name of State based on the Koran "rahmatan lil alamin" is a unified whole "golong-gilig" in delivering his people towards the welfare of physically and spiritually - the world hereafter, this is in line with the principle / hadith the Prophet in upholding the civil or civil society that megedepankan principle of social solidarity, pluralism, justice in undertaking the people of the pleasure of Allah.
Historically, the role of struggle since Hanyakrakusumo Sultan Agung, Sultan HB I, Prince Diponegoro, until Sultan HB IX is no doubt in the fight against all forms of physical occupation of imperialism and neo-imperialism, so that Soekarno on December 19, 1949 through messages scrawled struggle gold ink on white paper, which reads: Yogyakarta, known for his struggle, then quicken the soul continues to struggle.!
Shourche: wikipedia.org
Yogyakarta (Jogjakarta) Map Tourism
Reviewed by Chan
7:36 PM