Cah Andong, Bloggers Organization at Jogja

Community Andong or popularly called CahAndong (CA) is a set of bloggers who live, reside, ever lived in Yogyakarta, or who have ties and special memories with Yogyakarta.

Blog CahAndong address at going online since 1 November 2006. It is expected that this blog can become a means of communication, friendship, and dissemination of, by and for bloggers, especially my friends CahAndong.

The contents of blogs are mostly a collection of blogs posting my friends CA which is the result of aggregation of feeds of blogs listed. The goal is to find out the latest postings CA with my friends quickly and easily.

Starting from "ground coffee(kopi darat)" (kopdar) to establish a relationship, trying to raise the Yogyakarta tourism sector in accordance with the blogger language, to do social activities and trainings for blogging.

In tourism sectors are combined by CahAndong try by doing metting in places where impromptu tour or a guide he could for his fellow bloggers outside of Yogyakarta who are visiting friends Jogja.
Cah Andong, Bloggers Organization at Jogja Cah Andong, Bloggers Organization at Jogja Reviewed by Chan on 3:56 AM Rating: 5
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