Trans Jogja is a bus rapid transport system, cheap and air-conditioned around the city of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Trans Jogja is one part of the program implementation of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), which proclaimed the Department of Transportation. This system began operation in early March 2008 by the Department of Transportation, the Provincial Government of DIY. Ministry's motto is "Safe, Comfortable, Reliable, Affordable, and Environmentally friendly."
Systems that use a bus (medium size) is implementing a closed system, meaning passengers can not enter the bus without passing through the checkpoint, as well as TransJakarta. In addition, the applicable payment system different: one-way, student tickets and tickets for public subscription. There are three kinds of tickets can be purchased by passengers, ie one-way ticket (single trip), and general tickets to subscribe. This ticket is different from usual because the bus ticket is a smart card (smart card). Tickets will be reviewed automatically by a machine that will open the door automatically. Passengers can change buses without having to pay additional fees, provided that is still in one destination.
Manager Trans Jogja is PT Tugu Jogja Trans, a consortium of four co-manager form of public transport in urban and rural Yogya (Cooperative Youth Sleman, Kopata, Aspada, and Puskopkar) and Perum DAMRI.
Here are some travel tips using the Trans Jogja. These tips are general information you need to know before, during and after using the bus service Trans Jogja.
Know the departure bus stop
This information is intended for the Beru your first time using Trans Jogja, or the first time using a bus stop at the new location. Some bus stops are right opposite each other. Before the ride, make sure that you stop that you will use is the stop in accordance with Jogja Trans fleet that brought you to the destination. Having arrived at the bus stop, you can ask the officer if the stop is bypassed by the Trans Jogja fleet you want to use. For information, when you have paid the ticket, and enter the ticket into the machine, so your tickets can not be exchanged or refunded in cash.
Make sure you already know where the stop where you come down
Location of stop stop will be notified by the officer in the bus without the speakers. Slightly different from the busway Transjakarta who have used the system penginformasian rest stops, sometimes in the Trans Jogja not too audible when Trans Jogja stops where it stops.
Confirm traffic conditions and lane Trans Jogja
There are times when there are several roads that experienced congestion. Maybe you can ask the officer stops on the condition of the distance between the fleet. If you find information that turned out quite long distances between the fleet and may be due to the congestion, you can change your travel plans. If for example you know that there are events in one place (eg at Malioboro Street) and Jalan Malioboro you estimate that closing the road experience, ask the officer stops on this. Usually, officers will stop if there is information transfer path.
Watch your luggage
This situation also applies to the Trans Jogja. In short, Trans Jogja not responsible for any damage and loss of your luggage, both within the fleet or at the bus stop. Your luggage is the responsibility of your own. What if you are sure to lose valuables in the Trans Jogja AND fleet has not stopped at the stop? You can inform the crew of the fleet. If there is evil in the bus (eg kecopetan), the Trans Jogja will try to assist you with not stopping at bus stops and inspection.
Find out if there is a more effective mode of transportation in certain circumstances
Sometimes other transportation modes such as city bus, or rickshaw into a faster alternative (and cheaper) than the Trans Jogja. For example, you go to a location. It could be that location accessible by the Trans Jogja, but have to travel a longer having to pass through transit stops. Try to look for to know if there is a faster alternative.
If you are unsure, please ask
The presence of officers and crew of the fleet stops will help you if you have any questions. Feel free / free if you do not know the routes or fleet which ones should you take. If it turns out you have to switch path (transit), ask at the bus stop where you have to transit and have to transit to a bus lane fine. If you want to travel to Yogyakarta, you can also ask questions by this site on matters related to the Trans Jogja. Managers of this site - despite having no direct relationship with the Department of Transportation and the operator Trans Jogja.
Map and Route Trans Jogja
Trayek 1A: Terminal Prambanan - Bandara Adisucipto - Stasiun Tugu - Malioboro - JEC:
Terminal Prambanan - S5. Kalasan - Bandara Adisucipto - S3. Maguwoharjo - Janti (bawah) - S3. UIN Kalijaga - S4. Demangan - S4. Gramedia - S4. Tugu - Stasiun Tugu - Malioboro - S4. Kantor Pos Besar - S4. Gondomanan - S4. Pasar Sentul - S4. SGM - Gembira Loka - S4. Babadan -Gedongkuning - JEC - S4. Blok O - Janti (atas) - S3. Maguwoharjo - Bandara Adisucipto - S5. Kalasan - Terminal Prambanan.
Trayek 1B: Terminal Prambanan - Bandara Adisucipto - JEC - Kantor Pos Besar - Pingit - UGM:
Terminal Prambanan – S5. Kalasan – Bandara Adisucipto – S3. Maguwoharjo – Janti (lewat bawah) – S4. Blok O – JEC - S4. Babadan -Gedongkuning – Gembira Loka – S4. SGM – S4. Pasar Sentul - S4. Gondomanan – S4. Kantor Pos Besar - S3. RS.PKU Muhammadiyah – S3. Pasar Kembang - S4. Badran – Bundaran SAMSAT – S4. Pingit – S4. Tugu – S4. Gramedia – Bundaran UGM – S3. Colombo – S4. Demangan – S3. UIN Sunan Kalijaga – Janti – S3. Maguwoharjo – Bandra Adisucipto – S5. Kalasan – Terminal Prambanan.
Trayek 2A: Terminal Jombor - Malioboro – Basen – Kridosono – UGM – Terminal Condong Catur:
Terminal Jombor - S4. Monjali - S4. Tugu - Stasiun Tugu - Malioboro - S4. Kantor Pos Besar - S4. Gondomanan - S4. Jokteng Wetan - S4. Tungkak - S4. Gambiran - S3 . Basen - S4. Rejowinangun - S4. Babadan Gedongkuning - Gembira Loka - S4. SGM - S3. Cendana - S4. Mandala Krida - S4. Gayam - Flyover Lempuyangan - Kridosono - S4. Duta Wacana - S4. Galeria - S4. Gramedia - Bunderan UGM - S3. Colombo - Terminal Condongcatur - S4. Kentungan - S4. Monjali - Terminal Jombor.
Trayek 2B: Terminal Jombor – Termina Condongcatur – UGM – Kridosono – Basen – Kantor Pos Besar – Wirobrajan - Pingit:
Terminal Jombor – S4. Monjali – S4. Kentungan – Terminal Condong Catur – S3. Colombo – Bundaran UGM – S4. Gramedia – Kridosono – S4. Duta Wacana - Fly-over Lempuyangan - S4. Gayam – S4. Mandala Krida – S3. Cendana – S4. SGM – Gembiraloka– S4. Babadan Gedongkuning – S4. Rejowinangun – S3. Basen – S4.Tungkak – S4. Joktengwetan – S4. Gondomanan – S4. Kantor Pos Besar – S3. RS PKU Muhammadiyah – S4. Ngabean – S4. Wirobrajan – S3. BPK – S4. Badran – Bundaran SAMSAT – S4. Pingit – S4. Tugu – S4. Monjali – Terminal Jombor.
Trayek 3A: Terminal Giwangan – Kotagede – Bandara Adisucipto – Ringroad Utara – MM UGM – Pingit – Malioboro – Jokteng Kulon:
Terminal Giwangan – S4. Tegalgendu – S3. HS-Silver – Jl. Nyi Pembayun - S3. Pegadaian Kotagede – S3. Basen – S4. Rejowinangun – S4. Babadan Gedongkuning – JEC - S4. Blok O – Janti (lewat atas) - S3. Janti – S3. Maguwoharjo - Bandara ADISUCIPTO - S3. Maguwoharjo – Ringroad Utara – Terminal Condongcatur – S4. Kentungan – S4. MM UGM - S4. MirotaKampus – S3. Gondolayu – S4. Tugu – S4. Pingit – Bundaran SAMSAT - S4. Badran – S3. PasarKembang – Stasiun TUGU - Malioboro – S4. Kantor Pos Besar – S3. RS PKU Muhammadiyah – S4. Ngabean – S4. Pojok Beteng Kulon – S4. Plengkung Gading - S4. Pojok Beteng Wetan – S4. Tungkak – S4. Wirosaban – S4. Tegalgendu – Terminal Giwangan.
Trayek 3B: Terminal Giwangan – Jokteng Kulon – Pingit – MM UGM – Ring Road Utara – Bandara Adisucipto – Kotagede:
Terminal Giwangan – S4. Tegalgendu - S4. Wirosaban – S4. Tungkak – S4. Pojok Beteng Wetan – S4. Plengkung Gading - S4. Pojok Beteng Kulon – S4. Ngabean – S3. RS PKU Muhammadiyah – S3. Pasar Kembang – S4. Badran – Bundaran SAMSAT – S4. Pingit – S4. Tugu – S3. Gondolayu – S4. Mirota Kampus – S4. MM UGM - S4. Kentungan – Terminal Condong Catur – Ringroad Utara – S3. Maguwoharjo – Bandara Adisucipto – S3. Maguwoharjo – Flyover Janti (lewat bawah) – S4. Blok O – JEC - S4. Babadan Gedongkuning – S4. Rejowinangun – S3. Basen – S3. Pegadaian Kotagede – Jl. Nyi Pembayun - S3. HS-Silver – S4. Tegalgendu – Terminal Giwangan.
Tayek 4A: Terminal Giwangan - Tamansiswa - Pakualaman - Lempuyangan - Kridosono:
Terminal Giwangan - Jl. Imogiri Timur - Jl. Pramuka - Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan - Jl. Menteri Supeno - Jl. Taman Siswa - Jl. Sultan Agung - Jl. Gadjah Mada - Jl. Hayam Wuruk - Stadion Kridosono - Jl. Hayam Wuruk - Jl. Gadjah Mada - Jl. Sultan Agung - Jl. Taman Siswa - Jl. Menteri Supeno - Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan - Jl. Pramuka - Jl. Imogiri Timur - Terminal Giwangan.
Trayek 4B: Terminal Giwangan - XT Square - SGM - Balaikota - UIN - Kridosono - Balai Yasa - UIN:
Terminal Giwangan - Jl. Imogiri Timur - Jl. Pramuka - Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan - Jl. Veteran - Jl. Pandean - Jl. Glagahsari - Jl. Kusumanegara - Jl. Sidobali - Jl. Ipda Tut Harsono - Jl. Urip Sumoharjo - Jl. Sudirman - Jl. Suroto - Jl. Wardani - Jl. Kusbini - Jl. Langensari - Jl. Urip Sumoharjo - Jl. Ipda Tut Harsono - Jl. Sidobali - Jl. Kusumanegara - Jl. Glagahsari - Jl. Pandean - Jl. Veteran - Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan - Jl. Pramuka - Jl. Imogiri Timur - Terminal Giwangan.
References: The Jakarta Post. Yogyakarta hails new TransJogja busway. Diakses 18 Juni 2008
Yogyakarta hails new Trans Jogja busway
Reviewed by Chan
9:03 AM