Borobudur Temple is one of the places that is a tourist destination, especially on the Christmas and New Year holidays. However, it's actually a shame if you only visit Borobudur Temple. That's because the surrounding area has many tourist attractions that offer the beauty and beauty of the countryside with the surrounding hills. For more information, please check the 5 tourist attractions in Borobudur (other than temples) that can be visited while on vacation. Also read: Stages to increase tourist quota for Borobudur, Prambanan, and Ratu Boko Temples. Therefore, staying at hotels around Borobudur Temple is also the right choice. There, there are many hotels with an atmosphere close to nature. The following are 5 hotels in the Borobudur Temple area:
1. The Omah Borobudur
This hotel is very close to the Borobudur Temple. Guests can walk from the hotel to get there which is only 800 meters from the temple entrance.
Guests can also rent bicycles provided by the hotel and book various activities in the Borobudur Temple area through the tour operators available at the hotel.
2. Plataran Heritage Borobudur Hotel
The hotel which has five-star facilities is about 1.5 kilometers (km) from Borobudur Temple. The location is in Krete Karangrejo Hamlet.
Here, guests can enjoy the swimming pool and other facilities. You can see the charming panorama of the green Menoreh Hills from the balcony of the room.
3. Amanjiwo Amanjiwo
is located at Bandrawati St., Majaksingi Village. The architecture of this hotel is designed with elements in Borobudur Temple, such as the selection of natural stones and the interior layout.
While staying here, guests will be pampered with luxurious five-star facilities. The hotel has a row of rooms, most of which have private pools.
4. Gopalan Hotel
Want to enjoy the sensation of bathing in the swimming pool while watching the rice fields? Gopalan Hotel is the place.
The hotel, which is about 3 km from the entrance of Borobudur Temple, features comfortable traditional-style rooms. The beauty of the natural panorama is immediately presented in front of the room. The location is in Gopalan Hamlet, Jalan Borobudur-Ngadiharjo.
5. The Nalaya Hotel & Resto
If you visit Borobudur with your family, then this hotel is the right choice to stay because the rooms can accommodate 3-4 people.
This hotel, which is located on Balaputradewa St., has direct access to the swimming pool in front of some of its hotel rooms. The hotel is about 1.5 km from Borobudur Temple.